Interesting Pet Statistics

Best friend. Family. However you describe your pet, chances are you would do almost anything for them. They give you companionship and love, can make you smile with a wag of their tail or the sound of their purr; and best of all, they do it all unconditionally.pets_pic

Interesting pet statistics showing how pets are a part of the family and why:

  • It’s estimated that 70-80 million dogs and 74-96 million cats are owned in the United States. Approximately 37-47% of all households in the United States have a dog, and 30-37% have a cat. More than 50% of Canadian households own a pet, whether it’s a dog, cat, bird etc. That’s more than five million homes!
  • Each year on pets Americans spent about $56 billion and Canadians about $3 billion.
  • 80% of pet owners, in a recent survey, said they gave their pets holiday or birthday presents; 60% said they signed their pets’ names on cards or letters; and, just over half (51%) named their pets with names like we’d name our children.
  • 94% admit they speak to their pets as if they were humans, and one-third say they’ve spoken to their pet on the phone or have left them a message on an answering machine.
  • 90% of pet owners believe their pets are aware of their moods and emotions.
  • According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, approximately 40% of pet owners learned about their pet through word of mouth.
  • The majority of pets are obtained from acquaintances and family members. 28% of dogs are purchased from breeders, and 29% of cats and dogs are adopted from shelters and rescues.
  • More than 35% of cats are acquired as strays.
  • According to the American Humane Association, the most common reasons why people relinquish or give away their dogs is because their place of residence does not allow pets (29%), not enough time, divorce/death and behavior issues (10% each). The most common reasons for cats are that they were not allowed in the residence (21%) and allergies (11%).

The MaCorr Team

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